Southern Machinery provides professional SMT peripheral equipment.

Your PCB Assembly Quality Checklist ✏

2023-02-09 17:51:24
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Your PCB Assembly Quality Checklist


Dear ,After many requests, we are thrilled to announce our Industry Leader Newsletter. As an Industry Leader, Southern Machinery wants to provide your company with the same excellence we put into our equipment and services. We know your job is important and you must always stay ahead of trends in PCB Assembly. Changes in labor costs, shifting environmental laws and policies, energy conservation efforts, advancing industries, international trade politics, etc., are causing a reemergence of in-house manufacturing systems to be put into place. The tide has shifted and it is now time to begin transitioning to a more self-sufficient manufacturing system.

Welcome to our Newsletter! No matter what your company role is, this Newsletter will keep you up-to-date with the most important topics and events that affect the quality and profitability of your manufacturing systems. If it has been a while since we last spoke, stay tuned! We will be delivering important PCB topics to your inbox. In the meantime, we have put a quality checklist together for you!

Your Manufacturing Quality Checklist here:

  • Do you have ROI-Driven Design and Implementation of reliable PCB Assembly Equipment?b405e1bb-30ba-49b0-bc9c-30bc49f76815.jpeg
  • Is your equipment Low-Cost with High-Intelligence?
  • What is the speed of your PCB throughput?
  • Is your efficiency high?
  • Is your productivity high?
  • Are you increasing your profits by using affordable and reliable equipment?
  • Is your short-term investment low?
  • Is your long-term investment low?d8896546-9e59-48bf-91cc-e259abef2d92.jpeg
  • Have you eliminated hand insertion for Automatic Insertion for improved time and profits?
  • Finally, have you eliminated your import fees by producing your own PCBs?

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