To Convert Radial 8 Dual Span to Triple Span 2.5/5/7.5mm Configuration
Occasionally, customers will request quotations for machine conversions. Typical requests will be
for conversion from Dual Span 2.5/5mm to Triple Span 2.5/5/7.5mm. This retrofit is available on a
RFQ basis from the Special Products Group. There are restrictions and considerations:
1. Only 6380A and 6388A machines are eligible for this retrofit.
2. Installation will be performed by a factory technician along with a service engineer.
3. Any machine issues unrelated to the actual conversion will be addressed on a time and material
basis at then current service rates and WPSD parts pricing.
4. Retrofit warranty will be for 90 days from installation and will apply only to affected assemblies.
No warranty is extended or implied to extend to unrelated items.
5. Lead times will be based upon resource availability, with manufacturing production requirements
receiving first priority. This will be confirmed at the time of order placement.
6. Orders placed against SPG quotations will be processed as machine orders through the COC.
This retrofit will not be handled through WPSD.
7. Spares kits for affected tooling are included in the retrofit. This is not subject to negotiation.
8. An application review is recommended to determine if the application is appropriate.
9. Radial components are taped at either 12.7 or 15mm pitch. 7.5mm parts are often taped on 15mm
pitch tape. 15mm heads must be purchased new. They cannot be converted from 12.7mm pitch heads.
10. Double pitched taping will cause dispensing head refires. This will affect machine throughput.
Please consult the appropriate General Specifications to determine the actual derate.
11. Please provide the machine serial number and a description of the machine condition with all inquiries.
12. Please contact the product team for performance details and terms.
To Convert Radial 8 Dual Span to Triple Span 5/7.5/10mm Configuration
Occasionally, customers with a Dual Span machine will request a conversion to 5/7.5/10mm capability.
There are also requests to convert a 2.5/5/7.5mm machine to this configuration. There are restrictions
and considerations in place for this upgrade:
1. Only 6380A, 6388A and 6389A machines are eligible for this retrofit.
2. Retrofit will be performed in Binghamton by factory technicians. The customer is responsible
for all transportation and crating charges. It is strongly recommended that a service engineer
is involved in the preparation of the machine for shipment to Binghamton.
3. Any machine issues unrelated to the actual conversion will be addressed on a time and material
basis at then current service rates and WPSD parts pricing.
4. Retrofit warranty will be for 90 days from installation and will apply only to affected assemblies.
No warranty is extended or implied to extend to unrelated items.
5. Lead times will be based upon resource availability, with manufacturing production requirements
receiving first priority. This will be confirmed at the time of order placement.
6. Orders placed against SPG quotations will be processed as machine orders through the COC.
This retrofit will not be handled through WPSD.
7. Spares kits for affected tooling are included in the retrofit. This is not subject to negotiation.
8. An application review is recommended to determine if the application is appropriate.
9. Radial components are taped at either 12.7 or 15mm pitch. 7.5mm and 10mm parts are often
taped on 15mm pitch tape. 15mm heads must be purchased new.
10. Dispensing heads for this machine use a special head casting. They cannot be converted from
existing heads. Dispensing heads for this type of machine must be purchased new.
11. Double pitched taping will cause dispensing head refires. This will affect machine throughput.
Please consult the appropriate General Specifications to determine the actual derate.
12. Please provide the machine serial number and a description of the machine condition with all
13. Please contact the product team for performance details and terms.
Radial 8 Affected Assemblies:
Chain Assembly and Carrier clips (new)
2.5/5/7.5mm Dispensing Head Pusher (Rebuilt)
5/7.5/10mm Dispensing Heads (new)
Cutter Station (rebuilt)
Chain Guide Assembly (new)
Component Transfer Assembly (rebuilt)
Insertion head Assembly (rebuilt)
Cutter Head Assembly (new)