Southern Machinery provides professional SMT peripheral equipment.


2023-02-09 17:51:23


I’d like to announce that we’ve added a new section to our website called " Board Handling System " in product category.
Over the years, customers have asked us how they can know specifically about Board Handling System Machines so that they’re as simple for Southern Machinery to provide them specific machines as possible according to the clients requirement and specifications. A lot of questions revolve around how these machines are operated, what are the specifications, what machine can be best fitted for their companies etc. So the very first and few products we put together is called "Board Handling System “which can be found here.
We’ll try to update this page whenever we find customers asking us such questions regularly. If you have a question about what specific machines are your requirements, how to get maximum ROI, how to handle and fix your problems of your smt/tht machines etc. please get in touch. We’re happy to help.