Southern Machinery provides professional SMT peripheral equipment.

Service Engineers Built Southern Machinery

2023-02-09 17:51:23

Higher Quality, Lower Costs, Most Knowledgeable and helpful Engineers

Service Engineer Built Southern Machinery

Service Engineer Built Southern Machinery

Did you know that Southern Machinery was founded by a Veteran Service Engineer? Founder, Jason Wu spent over 12 years as a service engineer. Jason’s mode of operation is tailored to the engineering needs of your manufacturing system. If you need guidance with design, CAD, equipment configuration, training, just ask! Southern Machinery is not just a place to buy machines, but also a place to get your technical questions answered. So ask us! We want to help you solve your PCBA problems.

Do you have a question you need answered and can’t seem to locate the information you need? Ask us and we will feature your Q&A!

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