Acronym/Term Meaning
AC Alternating Current: type of electrical power generation
BGA Ball Grid Array
BOM Bill of Materials
CAD Computer-Aided Design
CCGA Ceramic Column Grid Array
CD-ROM Compact Disc-Read Only Memory
CE Conformité Europeanne: European safety standard
CP Process capability index: a measure of a process’s ability to meet a specification
CPH Components per Hour
CPK Measure of process capability
CPU Central Processing Unit
CSP Chip Scale Package
DC Direct Current: type of electrical power generation
DDF Direct Die Feeder
DPTF Direct Pick Tray Feeder
DPM Defects per Million
DSP Digital Signal Processing
DTF Direct Tray Feeder
DVD Digital Video Disc
FC Flip Chip
FoV Field of View
GEM Generic Equipment Model
GS General Specification (Universal brand name)
HF High Force
HP High Precision
Hz Hertz (cycles per second): measurement of electrical frequency
IA Intrinsic Availability
IL4 InLine4 Placement Head
IL7 InLine7 Placement Head
IPC IPC: Industry Standards Organization
LTFA Linear Thin Film Applicator
MCM Multi-chip Module
MELF Metal Electrode Leadless Face (Diodes)
MPP Mils per Pixel
MRP Material Requirements Planning
NPI New Product Introduction
NPT National Pipe Thread: a U.S. standard for tapered threads used to join pipes and fittings
OAL On-Axis Lighting
PC Personal Computer
PCB (or PC board) Printed Circuit Board
PEC Pattern Error Correction
PLCC Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier
PPM Parts per Million: measurement of machine performance
PSI Pounds per Square Inch
PSV Platform Setup Validation
PTF Platform Tray Feeder
QAC Quality Assurance Committee
QFP Quad Flat Package
RAM Random-access Memory
RFQ Request for Quote
SATA Serial ATA: physical computer storage interface
SCFM Standard Cubic Feet per Minute: measurement of airflow
SECS Semiconductor Equipment Communications Standard: interface between host computer and assembly machines
SEMI Semiconductor Equipment & Materials International
SiP System in Package
SOIC Small-outline Integrated Circuit
SOT Small-outline Transistor Package
UIC Universal Instruments Corporation
UL Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
ULC Upward-looking Camera
UPS Universal Platform Software (Universal brand name)
VAC Volts Alternating Current
VGA Video Graphics Array: type of CRT monitor standard
VME® Versa Module Eurocard (Motorola brand name): industry standard for 32-bit computer bus
VRM Variable Reluctance Motor