Southern Machinery provides professional SMT peripheral equipment.

China SMT pick and Place / Auto Insertion machine Import Exp ort Statistics 2015

2023-02-09 17:51:23
China SMT pick and Place / Auto Insertion machine Import Export Statistics 2015
Import Data
Duration Product Name Qty (Set) Price (usd) Qty Average Monthly M/C Price Average
Jan~Nov 2015 Pick and Place M/C 7551 1092061772 686 US$144,625
Export Data
Jan~Nov 2015 Pick and Place M/C 2119 81448484 193 US$38,437
Import Data
Jan~Nov 2015 Auto Insertion M/C 332 45353734 30 US$136,608
Export Data
Jan~Nov 2015 Auto Insertion M/C 235 6538941 21 US$27,825
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